Apr 28, 2014

OmniGraffle 6 Shortcuts

Some OmniGraffle 6 tips I recently shared with my UX team...

Shortcuts I Use the Most (aside from the usual save, copy, paste, etc):

Easy Copy/Paste:
Option and click/drag item (Very useful)

Select All:

Inspector sidebar (show/hide):

Fonts (show/hide):

Color Palette (show/hide):

Paste without format:
⌥⇧⌘V (LIFE CHANGING. Works in most apps)

Make into a Table:

Move to Front:

Move to Back:



Next/Previous Canvas: 
⌘ [ and ] OR Function up/down arrow 

⇧ = shift
⌘ = command
⌥ = option

Shortcuts I’m Currently Learning (I try to learn a few new ones a month)
  • special characters: cntrl + command + space
  • show stencil:  command 6
  • start preso: option + control + p
  • show/hide left panel: option + command + 1
  • show/hide grid line: command + \
  • next/previou scan vas: option [ and } 

Other Tips:
  • Hold shift when you drag an object to maintain the position
  • Use the Combine Shapes tool
  • OG 6 now has double stroke with full. Fun.
  • "Scale text and shapes" is really helpful for converting full size wireframes into mini versions to show user flows 
  • Format objects with the chicklets

In OG > Help > Keyboard Shortcuts (attached)

Apr 12, 2014

Reservations about Reservations

A well-designed website can reduce call volume to customer service, or at least direct users to the appropriate department.

I bet the "cute" 800-number for reservations on River Terrace Inn's website encourages travel planners to call the hotel directly and ask to be transferred. I know I was too lazy to decipher the code!